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Student Solo Project, Made with Unity.

About The Game

Tundra is a 2.5D Nonverbal Narrative Experience created for Gat330, our narrative design class. We were tasked with telling a story through light interactive elements, using only geometric or relatively featureles shapes as "characters," and challenged to convey emotion through movement, animation, and other mechanics. 

The player is one of several warriors heading out into the tundra from the village they call home. The player's sibling, who is too young to fight, decides to tag along. The player must repeatedly send them home before the party can proceed. Eventually the party runs into a Yeti, and the player must flee, hoping that they can escape in time. It's possible to make it back to the village safely, but the game can reach an "ending" through other actions or inactions. 

This Solo Project is a good example of my competency with...

  • Nonverbal Narrative Design

  • 3D Level Design (Visual presentation)

  • AI Design

  • Rapid Prototyping

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